On Mondays and Tuesday I ride the bus up the hill about 10 minutes to begin my 20 minute walk to the elementary school. When I first started I loved "plugging in" and listening to a podcast while I walked. Now, I have a faithful walking buddy. No matter how late the bus comes he is always there waiting to walk with me and tell me alllll his stories about what happened the night before. We talk about the weather. How tired we are (from walking up all the hills). And he often shows me cool wildlife as we walk. My own personal tour guide. We saw 2 guardabarancos, the national bird, last week (pictured below, not my picture!)
Meet Franygel. My 4th grade walking buddy!
Much Love,
Franygel is awesome. He also features at the end of this blog by me, though I don't name him: http://viviendoensannicolas.blogspot.com/2014/01/paz-y-potrerillos.html