Thursday 18 May 2017

Yes, I Can!

That is the title of our 12-week English program this semester. We have switched it up a bit this year and decided to work more towards a “burst” of English with a focus on pronunciation and conversation. With the help of some very awesome Costa Rica Peace Corps Friends who passed on some great planning materials, we are really enjoying the classes and the students seemed to be more engaged. These classes aren’t meant to get to full to fluency in 12 weeks. BUT it is supposed to get the kids up and participating and to get them to the the point when they say Si, Yo Puedo! (Yes I CAN!) If they are willing to get in front of the class and hold a basic introduction conversation without giggling and running away then we are half-way there :D

Last week we did the clothing unit where we learned a lot of clothing vocab and the proper use of the verb “to wear”. Of course, this meant a fashion show (in my younger student class), and the kids loved it! Here are a few pictures from that day:

Helen, the Fashionista

Ronmel, the coolest dude in town!

Ciara, the trend setter

Luis Aaron, the trail blazer

All the models and Profe Allison, looking SWEET! :)


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