Thursday, 25 February 2016


As mentioned in my previous post, Kyle pulled his hamstring (grade II tear) over the weekend and was in excruciating pain and could not walk. We decided to take him into Estelí to get checked out, and this post is a reflection about the role that control plays in my life here and what I am learning about myself. 


When you move into a new culture, community and new language you let go of a lot of things—one huge thing is CONTROL. At first, you don’t realize how hard this may be. Everything seems fun and new. It’s kind of fun not caring what time the meeting is, or how you are going to get into town to buy your groceries or what’s on the schedule the next day. Flying along without a schedule or worry is liberating. However, this goes against every grain in my highly-motivated, check-list, independent brain. So as we settled into doing life here in Nicaragua, I  began to feel that dissonance of wanting to “let go and go with the flow” and wanting to get stuff done, on my own, independently and just have everything figured out. This caused a lot of strife and struggle as I attempted to find a role that allowed me to do this. It was hard to feel a sense of purpose, and I struggled to balance the idea of accompaniment (which we definitely signed up for!) and finding a role (is that what we signed up for?). In December, this realization really hit hard. What was the 2016 school year going to look like? After lots of discussion and prayers, we decided on a schedule that we are excited about—that I wrote about in a previous post. Things were feeling balanced, I again, felt comfortable in conforming to some roles here, but still letting things go with the flow and just “being”.

Until this weekend…Kyle injured his leg playing in a soccer game. Suddenly everything felt out of our control again. He couldn’t walk. He was in a ton of pain and we realized we needed to get his leg checked out by a doctor in the city of Estelí in case the muscle or tendon was completely torn. Kyle wasn’t able to sit, so the 1 hour bus ride was not an option. We don’t have a car here. Suddenly, we were reliant on the people around us. It was out of our control. Who had a truck that was heading into Estelí that day? Our wonderful neighbors helped us out and offered their truck, BUT it was out in a community and wouldn’t be back until 11am. We called the clinic and the specialist was leaving at noon that day. Again, nothing we could do except wait. The truck finally returned to pick us up to head into Estelí around 1pm, too late to see the specialist at the clinic. We were able to see a general doctor who spoke the fastest Spanish I have ever heard, and who obviously was trying to get to his lunch break that I think we were interrupting. We eventually ended up at an imaging center for an MRI to check for any significant Grade III tears. We had to take a taxi as we couldn’t walk around town. And it had to be private so Kyle could keep his leg up in the back seat. More expensive. Again, if only we had our own vehicle. Our neighbors returned after the MRI was complete to take us back to the original doctor--who obviously was pretty “hangry” at our first appointment--and this time was much more patient with us. He read the MRI and gave us his recommendations. At least 1 week, no weight bearing. Oh no! What are we going to do about our Spanish classes that are supposed to start this week? We can’t walk up hill to the classroom! Feeling out of control again…and negative thoughts started to sneak in. And overall, just feeling frustrated and like this were totally out of control! A hamstring tear in the grand scheme of things isn’t so bad, but it definitely amplified many feelings about control. Feelings of frustration and lack of control that accumulated over the last 6 months here. This felt like 1 more thing that I couldn’t control.

I had many moments of thankfulness for the kindness of the people in our town and our neighbors. But was feeling so overwhelmed that we couldn’t control any of it. We were stuck waiting. Stuck without a solid translation of what the doctor’s were saying. I couldn’t drive my husband into town to get him the medicine and appointment he needed, I couldn’t take away his pain, I couldn’t control so many things that day. And it made me crazy! I started feeling bad for myself and wondering…”Why did we choose this life?”. So selfishly I thought this. We have chosen to live a more “inconvenient” life. But we made that choice, for a variety of reasons, and 99% of the time this has been a great choice.  It, also, really made me stop and think that so many people, especially Nicaraguans who live waaay out in truly rural communities, DO NOT have a choice. And so many people here have much more traumatic or worse experiences than a Grade II hamstring tear. And they don’t have options, they don’t have a choice. This is their reality. They don’t have control over their circumstances and often are left to the devices of the government, people in the community, family and friends or just fate. For many people here, It has been like this their whole life and is the norm and it may not feel like a hardship, at all. But for us coming from a culture of control and independence the lack of control becomes a hardship, and a frustration, instead of a time to rely on your community and give your worries and frustrations to God. An important practice, that I am not very good at!

All that being said, this isn’t a post to stir up feelings of guilt or to feel bad for the people here. People here are happy! If I really step back and reflect, they have life pretty well figured out. Relationships are important. Slowing down is okay. And not being in control is actually what we are called to do—let go and let God. This is just a reflection on the differences in our cultures, expectations and way of life. The biggest differences in these two cultures became so blindingly clear to me over the last few days.

The culture here is SO different then the way we grew up in the U.S. In the U.S., we do, do, do. We learn that anything is possible if you “just put your mind to it!” We get our list checked off…and quickly! We learn early on that independence is important, you do it for yourself, no need to rely on others. In fact, it may be seen as weakness to rely on someone else. That’s where these two cultures collide for me. It’s a huge choque (crash) in my mind and at times it’s painful. But it’s also a huge growing experience for me. How do I let go of some of that control? How do I appreciate and accept the help of those around me to meet my goals and to get things done? How do I just Let Go and Let God? I know it’s something I need to work on (probably for the rest of my life).

The reality of “reverse mission” is becoming so clear to me. We signed up for “volunteer work” and “service”, but as we talked about a lot in orientation, reverse mission happens more often than we expect it to. While I do believe we are making an impact here in San Nicolas, the reverse is true and I am gaining so much from this experience, as well.  I am learning so much about myself from the community and culture here in Nicaragua. And as painful as some of that learning can be, it is important to my mental and spiritual growth.

So forward we go! Letting Go and Letting God. Letting go and Letting other people. Letting go and letting my community lift me up when sometimes I feel so “out-of-control” that I can’t lift myself up.

Thanks for being a part of that community. Continued prayers for quick healing of Kyle’s leg. And patience for me as I take care of him…through sickness and health :)

Much love.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Recent Happenings

Some happenings around Casa Stiffney. We have a new roommate. A rabbit named “Rabi”. Kind of like Roby but with a Spanish twist :) We have him potty trained, and we spoil him with awesome veggies and food. So he is a pretty happy bunny. His favorite activities are: hoping around in our kitchen, his recess time out in the yard, trying to sneak outside when we aren’t watching and chewing on everything. He is soft and cuddly and we hope he sticks with us for the next 1.5 years. As long as he doesn’t sneak out into our yard without us knowing! There are some hungry dogs around our town. Here are some pictures of our new friend:


Everybody—meet Rabi


He may look dead, but he is just resting with his favorite rock after his “recess” time outside :)


On Sunday, while playing soccer, Kyle tore his hamstring pretty badly. He was having a lot of pain and very limited mobility. We took him into Esteli to get checked out. After a (painful) physical examine, and an MRI, it was decided on a Grade II tear. Of course, RICE all day, everyday, and no weight bearing for about a week. This was super unfortunate timing as Kyle was training for a 1/2 marathon in Managua this Sunday :( He was feeling great physically, so it just really tough when you feel that your body lets you down like that. As you can see from the picture above, he is resting well and hopes to be back on his feet soon. This has affected some of our plans for the beginning of the school year (English classes), but we are hoping to get back into our routine next week.

We are looking forward to a visit from Kyle’s uncle (Rick) and cousin (Ben), next week. While Kyle will be a bit limited in his activity, we are still excited to show them our life here and spend time together.

Prayers for quick healing and patience are welcome!

Thursday, 18 February 2016

First day of School 2016

The 2016 school year has officially kicked off! The first day of school was so interesting here. Students all seemed pretty excited when we talked to them leading up to that day. They had their new backpacks, school supplies etc…But the when the first day came only about 1/2 of the student body showed up. We were warned about this from previous volunteers, so while we were not super surprised, it was interesting to see it play out. Many of the students who we saw in passing told us that it was just a “limpieza” (cleaning) day and that they decided they didn’t want to come. Honestly—I don’t blame them much. But thankfully by the middle of the week we had full classes again.


Our walk to the high school

The start of a new school year has always been very exciting for me. Even in college, I loved buying new school supplies, labeling my binders and notebooks, and getting everything organized. There is a freshness in new supplies, new classmates, new attitudes and a new year. I can’t say it feels much different here. After a hectic ending to the school year last year, it was great to see teachers and students reinvigorated for the Ano Lectivo 2016. There is so much potential in so many of these students and I hope that even through (what I perceive as) “the craziness” of the school systems here, that they will be able to learn and grow as individuals, feeling empowered with new knowledge gained and relationships built. That’s my hope for 2016! And I hope that we can be a small part of that growth!

And while Kyle and I are definitely feeling the exhaustion of getting back into a new routine and schedule, we are feeling super excited and positive about this school year. While it was so great to spend the first few months here observing and learning Spanish, I think we were both feeling ready to jump into whatever roles were to come. With our skill sets, spanish levels and lots of conversation with the school director/the organic farm/and other important people here we decided on a routine that we are feeling really positive about. Of course, this can (and will!) change over the next few months and year. But it’s a good starting point with lots of variety so we can build relationships with many different individuals.

Our day to day schedule will look a little different everyday, and we are planning to spend a lot of our time in separate locations to really take advantage of our time and energy (and we feel like it will be a positive for Spanish learning, too!)  While we will continue our support of the high school in town, Kyle will be there Mondays and Tuesdays and I will be there on Wednesdays. We will be doing a lot of adminstrative support (word processing and computer work) and helping the teachers and director with whatever comes up. We will also be available to help in English classes as needed! We will also be working on some ideas with the director for how to use the library space and books most effectively. She has a lot of great ideas for how to mejorar (better) this school year. And we are totally up for plugging in wherever she feels she can use us. 

I have been spending time with Maria in Quebrada de Agua at a 1 room multigrade school (Mondays and Tuesday). I am supporting her in the classroom through small group work and some one-on-one work with students who may be falling behind. The students are grades 4-6 and have been so fun to work with already. I have already taught a P.E. class, as well a civics (or like classroom “counseling lessons”…a huge challenge with my Spanish level, but a lot of fun because I think the kids still “get it” through the activities we do together). Maria has also asked me to start with some English basics with them. So I think it will be a really good fit, and another way to get out into the communities around San Nicolas.


Here’s a picture of Maria and I

We are continuing our work with La Garnacha—the organic farm—where we will be helping prepare for Farmer’s Market by cleaning vegetables, and then supporting sales at the Farmer’s Market on Fridays. Kyle is also starting to talk some “accounting” projects around the community. So that will be developing over the next few months.


Cleaning veggies on Thursdays

Finally, We will be teaching a supplemental high school English course for the 2016 school year. These classes will take place Monday and Wednesday after the school day (2-4pm). This is probably the part we are most nervous about…planning, classroom management…but it should be another great way to connect with students and get to know them more. And hopefully they will learn some English along the way : )

A few other things we have been involved in: Kyle has been on the Mayor’s office soccer team so he plays in Esteli on Sundays with “the guys” : ) He also plays with the students after school. I am co-leading a women’s excercise class in the evenings with the Alcaldia. It has been so much fun! And I want to write another blog post about that soon. We also started taking Spanish classes in Esteli 1x/week. We are hoping to get more formal practice, as we definitely get by with our Spanish, but it’s not always pretty. And we are rarely corrected, so the mistakes are starting to stick. It’s definitely time for some more formal Spanish practice.

Whew! That kind of makes me tired writing it all out. But we are excited for these opportunities and feel that the San Nicolesenas are excited as well. Of course, we are focused on our goals of accompaniment and relatioship building…but are also feeling excited about having some more “formal” roles to continue this relationship development. We are already enjoying so many relationships here, and know that there are many more to come.


Much Love.

Monday, 15 February 2016

The Hawkins Visit Nicaragua

I was SO lucky to have most (missed you, Mitch!) of my family visit us in Nicaragua. It was amazing to be able to show them where we live, work and “do life”. Bonus—their visit also cured a little bit of home (family) sickness that had been lingering since post-holidays, after the Stiffney’s left. We spent about half of our time in San Nicolas and then we headed to Granada for some vacation relaxing. I can’t thank my family enough for making the trip to see us and for brining “second Christmas” down to us…we only had a small list of items to bring from the states. ha. : )
Here are some pictures of our time together. Come back soon, please!!
DSC02757A real Nicaragua welcome, with a sign to boot!
The sunset as we drove into San Nicolas. Not a bad welcome for the fam.
So windy. But so happy to be together again!
We visited the rock carvings (again)…obviously a must see! We invited our friends from a community to join us on the adventure.
“….para buen recuredos” Listening closely to our tour. Don Alberto has spent his life carving beautiful art into the rocks/mountainside around his home.
Hellen y Hansel. Friends from Quebrada de Agua.
Maria with her kids. They live in a community outside of San Nicolas. This year I will be supporting Maria in her 1-room multigrade school int he community (will write more about that later!)
Fam portrait
Taking in another Nicaragua sunset from the Mirador. Volcanoes, hills and beautiful people. Can’t beat it!
We were able to catch one of Kyle’s soccer games in Esteli. Go, Fenerbache!
Family dinners.
Of course, some Hawkins plumbing work had to be done. Thanks, dad! No visit would be complete…
We spent a few days relaxing in Granada and loved playing Euchre, Jungle Speed and speed scrabble.
Delicious food in Granada.
The cool kids ride in the back of the truck!
We were able to visit my host family from SST (again) which was so great! Family meeting Family. Warms my heart <3
Of course, we had to get Fritanga. One of our fav Nica dishes. Fried plantain, perfectly grilled meet, cabbage mix and fried cheese. YUM!
A final breakfast together.
Hawkins Fam: It was so wonderful to have you visit. Please come back again! And for everyone else…our door is always open! We would love to host anyone who wants to visit us/work with us/travel with us!
Much love.